Ignite Your Inner Millionaire: The One and Only Neuroscience-Based Vision Board Workshop

January 9th, 10th and 11th


Replay Available

Dream boards are so 2023, 

in 2024 it's all about ACTION BOARD.


 Have you ever tossed a bunch of pretty pictures on a board and in 6 months' time looked at it and wondered - when will this ever happen? 

 Through my Vision Integration Method I will show the 1% shifts to hyperspeed your goals. This is the micro shifts to create the macro results! 

 The old way of vision boarding is focusing on the big picture, which is the opposite of what neuroscience shows us. 

The big picture is often paralyzing vs energizing. 

 So I created a way to flip the script. 

 Out with the vision board. 

 In with the Action Board!

If you're finding it difficult to:

  • Implement the Vision | Your vision is so big but you feel  overwhelmed with your day to day

  • Follow Through With Aligned Action | Your actions feel disconnected and out of tune with your goals

  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs | At times it feels like you are running a marathon with heavy chains weighing you down

  • Overwrite Your Money Blueprint | Your lack mindset keeps winning despite all the mindset work you have done

I will help you create a vision board that comes to LIFE...

Curate Your Millionaire Life: An Action Board Workshop for Transforming Your Mindset and Achieving Abundance in All Aspects of Your Life!

Workshop Overview

Live Training

Live Interaction, you won't just passively absorb information. You'll actively participate, ask questions, and share insights. It's a space for connection, where you can engage with me and fellow participants in real-time. Replay is also available.


Tools to transform your vision into actionable steps with our science based action plan. We break down your vision into goals, then into your own 1% shifts to create the reality you have always dreamed about!


Shared experiences and wisdoms,  when you share your journey, you're not just offering insights; you're tapping into a wealth of collective wisdom. The challenges someone else has overcome might hold the key to your own breakthrough.



Tap into the hidden layers,   Your life is a story composed of various chapters. Each chapter contributes to your understanding of money, success, and abundance. Together we will unveil each layer of your subconscious money blocks.

Testimonials Don't Lie:

Everything covered inside This Workshop:

✓  Neuroscience-Based Approach. You'll gain understanding of how your thoughts, beliefs, and actions are wired in your brain

✓  Micro Shifts for Macro Results. transformation is all about making micro shifts – small, intentional changes that lead to significant results and leads you to experience macro results in your finances, mindset, and life as a whole. It's a gradual, sustainable approach that empowers you to build momentum and create lasting change.

✓  No Fluff, Just Science. This is substance over hype. Here you won't find vague promises or empty motivational speeches. Instead, you'll dive into the real science behind success.I will break down abstract concepts into practical, actionable steps.

✓  Understand the Law Of Attraction like Never Before You'll harness the true power of the Law of Attraction, using it as a tool to manifest your desires by aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions in a way that magnetizes success.

✓  3 live calls We will go through the Be, Do & Have, Limiting beliefs and Money Blueprint Exercises for each area of your life,  [ $300 value ]

✓  1 Workbooks With the steps by steps to follow along and go deep to create your millionaire vision. [ $97 value ]
✓  1 Life Focused Vision Board Template that actually represents each area of your life vs just pretty pictures on the wall. [ $27 value ]
✓  1 Business Focused Vision Board Template that represents the vision of your business that is ready to come to life. [ $27 value ]
✓  An online community someone's AHA's moment might be your next breakthrough. Tap into the collective wisdom and gain insights like never before [ $397 value ]

For only

Have you ever wondered how it seems that everyone's vision board comes true, but not yours? So did I! I

 kept wondering what was the hidden secret - then it finally clicked! I was using my vision board as an online wish list! 

 A Pinterest board of all the things that I wanted without actually knowing how to get it. I was the exact description of insanity: doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results! 

 So after stumbling upon the "hidden secret" 80% of my vision board started to come true, year after year! And the wildest part? The attendees of this workshop sold and bought houses in really challenging markets, got new clients for the same amount of the checks they signed for themselves and one amazing lady even bought a helicopter! Many babies were made (we get spicy around here) and businesses and relationships taken to the next level!

 The secret wasn't a secret after all. 

It was a set of mindset and strategy exercises that makes us take major responsibility for where we are and lead us to great clarity of where we are going! 

 Now I am sharing the exact steps to get your vision board to come true too!

One-Time Payment


A $11,550 value!

Let's break it down

  • Day | 1
    Who are you ready to BE? The first day of this workshop is all about where you are now and who you are ready to BECOME in the 12 areas of your life (Family, Friends, Consistent Growth, Business Growth, Finances, Intimate Relationships, Physical Health, Spiritual Health, Emotional Health, Contribution, Mission, Fun & Excitement) because each of those areas bleeds right into the next and affects how you show up in the world. This is the "how you do one thing is how you do everything" concept into a step by step action plan so that you can BE, DO & Have it all!
  • Day| 2
    Then we take each of those areas and tackle the conscious and subconscious beliefs you have around them. The old way of doing vision boards is putting pictures up and becoming in the vibration of it. The thing is that without overcoming the limiting beliefs around HAVING each of the pictures you put up prevents you from actually being in the vibration and this is the reason most vision boards don't come true! But we don't stop with the beliefs - once we clear them we get into each of the beliefs and self sabotages and create intentional action in each area so that you truly get into the frequency by meeting the universe half way - through aligned actions!
  • Day | 3
    What was the story around your birth? What was your parent's beliefs when it comes to money? What is your first money memory and when was the first time you decided that money wasn't "safe"? Together we will go deep to uncover the money blocks that have kept you from living your most abundant life and create a new money blueprint so you not only you change the way you show up by embodying the truth essence of you (without all of the self imposted limitations, imposter syndrome and visibility fears) but you are sure about what people will say when you leave the room as the best version of you!

I've had the privilege of supporting numerous incredible women in their journey to scale their businesses to six, multi-six, and even seven figures – all while living their most aligned lives! You know, I've been there, diligently creating vision boards for years, hoping for the breakthrough I craved. Then, one day, it all clicked. I realized that the magic happened when we merged the principles of neuroscience, the law of attraction, and strategy. That's how the Vision Integration Method was born. This method is pure dynamite. It's what's propelled me and my clients to achieve our vision and goals, year after year. Now, my goal is to  empower amazing women like you to transform your boldest dreams into tangible reality. When we step into our vision, we become lighthouses and sparks of positive change, giving others subconscious permission to do the same! And that's the beauty of integrating your vision! 

In case you were wondering...

  • When does the course start?
    January 9th, 10th and 11th at 9am MST - 11am EST

    But if you can't make it during that time no worries. You can play along through the replay (as lots of our attendees do) and I will be there in the comments coaching you through your AHAs, breakthroughs and asking you those deep questions to get you that BIG result!
  • Who is this workshop for?
    Anyone that has that million dollar vision rather is for next year or the next five! This is for those who are ready to go deep and show up for their vision with the aligned action that takes to make dreams come true - 1% shift at a time!
  • What if I miss a live call?
    Just play along through the replay. No worries - I will be there every step of the way and the group will be open for a week to give you time to catch up!
  • What is the refund policy?
    No Refunds. You are paying for the delivery and I know that you will be matching my energy on being 100% present for your vision!
  • How do I book additional one-on-one calls?
    Due to my very limited availability, I cannot promise that 1:1 calls will be available but don't hesitate to send me a message to inquire!

A vision board is a parking spot for your dreams. 

 An ActionBoard is a vehicle for manifestation through aligned action! 

 According to the neuroscientist Tara Swart, when you identify what you would like to create by making an Action Board, your "dreams begin to feel tangible to your brain". When you assign a value of where you are right now (we do that through the law of averages), you are activating the neuro process called "value tagging" which places a value on things, increasing the tangibility of it. 

 You are also creating a repetitive pattern in the direction of things you want through neuroplasticity. And you cement through words and pictures the connection of the action and your calling, dreams and purpose!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Millionaire Vision Board Workshop$55

All prices in USD

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